Category Archives: FISA

Democrats Set To Authorize Their Own Destruction

Yes, I’m being dramatic, but what else would you expect from me? I’m talking about the FISA Amendment bill, of course.

Despite the solid support of the American people for the Democratic position that telecommunications companies should NOT have immunity from breaking the law in the service of the Bush Administration, the Senate seems determined to pass the version of the bill that grants them that immunity. A few stalwart Senators, Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold, will filibuster the bill, but unfortunately, they don’t have the votes to back it up. Bush (and AT&T) will receive a free pass for spying on Democrats, er, Americans, without a warrant. The DSP (Democrat Surveillance Program) will go on without a hitch, and the next President will also have those spying powers by default. Fourth Amendment, Schmourth Amendment. Um, yay for the Unitary Executive Theory?

I am very proud of Senators Dodd and Feingold for standing up for truth, justice, and the American way. But why so few?

Unlike many, I never expected Barack Obama to do anything differently than he is doing on FISA. However, my expectations of the Senator from Illinois are so low now, that if he did anything, ANYTHING that showed he believed in any Democratic principle whatsoever (and I’m talking actions, not words), I would be ecstatic and relieved.

But I must say how incredibly angry, disappointed and disgusted I am with this 110th Congress. They have been unable to accomplish the important things they were elected to accomplish: reverse the tide in Iraq and Afghanistan by bringing troops home; rein in the out-of-control budget; help the residents of the Gulf Coast get back on their feet; stop the downward spiral of the economy; and most of all, bring accountability back to Washington. Or, as Speaker Pelosi famously said, “Drain the swamp.”

Sure, a lot of people are gone from the Bush Administration now, but the big players who were ousted, such as Rove, Rumsfeld and Gonzales, remain legally unscathed despite their outrageous and illegal activities. Rove is gainfully employed at Newsweek and Fox News, still freely dripping his poisonous propaganda into the public’s ears. (Gonzales is trying to make a living, but no one wants to hear what he has to say. Snicker.)

And as for Bush, Cheney and Rice? Thanks to Nancy’s famous table, upon which impeachment MUST NOT be placed, they’re getting ready for a lovely retirement in Paraguay. I’m envisioning a compound, personally. (Hmmm….perhaps my next play will expound upon my vision.)

This Congress seems bound and determined to scream “Look, we swear we’re just like Republicans! Like us! Like us, dammit!”

How well has that worked for them?

WASHINGTON, July 8 (Xinhua) — U.S. congressional approval rate hit new lows in the recent polls, said a news website on Tuesday.

The latest Rasmussen poll conducted on July 1 showed that percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings fell to only single digits for the first time in the survey body’s history, at 9 percent, while about 52 percent said Congress was doing a poor job, said the report by Politico website.

However, the approval rate of Democrats, who have a majority of seats in Congress, still led that of Republicans by 12 percentage points, it showed.

The lead was much wider in a NBC/Wall Street Journal poll conducted in mid-June, which found Democratic party beat Republican by 52 percent to 33 percent in supporting rate, Politico said.


New bumpersticker for Democratic Congresscritters in 2008:

“Vote Democratic. We Suck Less!”

The Party is disintegrating, devolving into its component parts: the warriors and the appeasers. The appeasers have had their day for a while now, and what do we have to show for it?

Time for the warriors to ascend to their rightful places in the Party. If they are denied those places, as is happening right now with the forced and illegitimate nomination of appeaser Barack Obama over warrior Hillary Clinton, they will simply find places outside of it, like well-known liberal Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont). And trust me, the voters will follow.

Are you listening, Howard Dean?

Hillary or McCain – it’s your choice. Because when choosing between a real Republican and a fake Republican, people will choose the real thing every single time.

May you learn this lesson soon, Party Leaders. The fate of our Party, our country, and our planet depends upon it.

Obama Hears a "Huh?!" – A Play in One Oblivious Act.

THE SCENE: BARACK OBAMA is sleeping in a five-star hotel room. Four-poster bed, multi-room suite, you know the deal. He has a purple satin sleep mask over his eyes. His wife, MICHELLE, can be heard, but not seen, humming “Hail To the Chief” from the enormous bathroom, where she is taking a bubble bath.

BILL BURTON, Obama’s campaign manager, knocks diffidently on the bedroom door.

BURTON: Hey, Barack? Are you awake yet?

MICHELLE (from bathroom): Dammit Bill, I told you to call him “Mr. President!”

BURTON: (rolling his eyes) Sorry, Michelle. Uh, Mr. President?

OBAMA: (stretching and removing his mask) Oh, hey Bill. [BURTON enters the room] What time is it?

BURTON: Almost 6 am. Up and at ’em, tiger!

OBAMA: Oh man. My waffles coming?

BURTON: Like always, Mr. President. [OBAMA smiles.]

OBAMA: Cool. So, what’s happening today? Is everybody happy?

BURTON: Uh, not really, Mr. President. [OBAMA’s smile disappears.]

OBAMA: What the hell? What will it take for those Catwomen –

BURTON: PUMAs, Barack.

OBAMA: [waving hand dismissively] Fine, fine, whatever, PUMAs – to get on the Obama train? Do I have to give them a kiss or something?

BURTON: Actually, I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about your fans in the blogosphere. They are really, really pissed about this FISA compromise.

OBAMA: [chuckling] Oh. I thought it was something serious! After everything I’ve said and done, they’re mad at me about FISA, huh? Lord, they are hilarious. They really think I’m going to filibuster? Are they crazy? I don’t have time for that crap, I’ve got a campaign to run! Let Feingold and Dodd take care of it.

BURTON: But they’ve threatened to withhold campaign donations. They’ve formed a group of 16,000 people on your website.

OBAMA: [smiling] Come on, Bill. I’ve got fundraisers coming up where people are paying $30,000 a plate to see me. Does Markos really think his $2300 is going to make a dent? Seriously, these people do not have a clue.

BURTON: So, you think they’ll vote for you anyway?

MICHELLE (from the bathroom): Of course they will! You think they’ll vote for John McCain? After all…

[all three together]: Where else can they go?

BURTON: [smiling] You’re right, Mr. President. What was I thinking? Unless they plan to withhold their votes, like those bitchy PUMAs, they’re just pissing into the wind. We’ll just ignore them like we usually do.

OBAMA: [clapping Burton on the back] My man! That’s what I’m talking about. Now, where the hell are those waffles?

[Lights out.]

Cross-posted at The Confluence.

What the FISA???!!!! One Act of Betrayal, Starring Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer.

I don’t know if we’ll ever REALLY know why the House Democrats, after holding fast since February with barely a mention of “ZOMG National Security!!!111!!!!,” decided that now was the time to give our lame-duck Deciderer everything he wants on telecom immunity. But if I were a fly on the wall in Nancy Pelosi’s living room, I imagine I might hear a little something like this:

THE SCENE: Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s living room. It is tastefully appointed in soft pastels. She is seated on her sofa, wearing silk PJ’s and watching The Colbert Report. The Princess phone rings and she mutes her TV.

NANCY: [picking up phone] Hello?

STENY: Nancy? Steny.

NANCY [a la Seinfeld]: Hello, Steny.

STENY: Listen, Nancy babe, we need to talk about telecom immunity.

NANCY: Again? Jesus, Steny, haven’t we been over this? Telecom immunity is off the table. The American people don’t want it. Even Fox News says Bush’s numbers are in the tank. You know all this. So stop yanking my chain. Good night –

STENY [interrupting]: Just a minute, Nance. [Pelosi rolls her eyes] Didn’t you hear the latest from Kucinich? He’s rather annoyed that Conyers has been sitting on his impeachment resolution for so long.

NANCY: [hissing] KUCINICH! Damn that little hobbit!

STENY: He’s saying that if we don’t start impeachment proceedings within 30 days, he’ll bring it up again – with more articles added. And, Conyers is starting to weaken. We all know how much he wants to impeach Bush. I swear he dreams about it at night!

NANCY: Why won’t Dennis get with the program? If we impeach now, we could lose our majority in Congress. Then, if McCain wins, we’re back to square one!

STENY: I feel you, Nancy. Now, you know that the warrantless wiretapping program is one of the strongest reasons for impeachment. As it stands now, the program is illegal and un-Constitutional. If we don’t retroactively make it legal in some way, then that idiot from Ohio could actually make his case!

NANCY: Damnit! Why can’t he wait till AFTER Bush leaves office like we all agreed?!

STENY: Ahhhh, he’s worried about some stupid checks and balances thing. He is such an idealistic schmuck.

NANCY: [getting up and pacing] Okay. I see where you’re coming from now. I guess we can do this ridiculous thing if it will stop Dennis. But what about the Senate? They will have to re-vote. Do you think anyone will filibuster?

STENY: Don’t you worry about the Senate, babe. I’ve got it all sewn up. Rocky and I guarantee it’s a done deal.

NANCY: But what about Obama? Didn’t he promise that he would support a filibuster? What if he decides to do it himself?



[STENY stops laughing first.]

STENY: As if Senator “Present” would do something like that! No, someone will probably stand up and blather for a while – maybe Dodd or Feingold or one of those guys. But without support, the filibuster will die and we’ll be golden.

NANCY: Well, what if Hillary comes back from vacation and supports it?

STENY: Hell no! Jay already talked to her. If she tries to showboat on this, there will be a lot of pissed-off Senators talking to the media. She won’t make any trouble. She’s tired of Congressional knives in her back.

NANCY: All right, Steny. You win. We’ll vote on the bill tomorrow.

STENY: I knew you’d see things my way, Nancy. See you tomorrow!

[they hang up]

NANCY [sitting back down on the couch and rubbing her
temples wearily]: Sometimes I really, really hate my job.

[stage goes dark]